Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Ancel Keys lived nearly 100 years!!!

In 2004, Ancel Keys died just two months shy of his 100th birthday.

Doctors and scientists who support Ancel Keys and his saturated fat/cholesterol theories of heart disease are now claiming that because Mr. Keys lived to be 100 years old, he must have been right.

This is just another reminder of the inability or refusal of most doctors and scientists to think critically.

A brief analysis of the Six and Seven Country Studies makes it very obvious that Mr. Keys cherry-picked the data. He was then paid $200,000 a year by the federal government to convince people that there is a relationship between consumption of saturated fat, blood cholesterol levels and risk of coronary heart disease.

Because Mr. Keys created and perpetuated the saturated fat/cholesterol myths, no one on planet earth was more aware than Mr. Keys that following a low fat diet and taking statin drugs does not reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.

Mr. Keys did NOT live to be nearly 100 years old because he took statin drugs and controlled his consumption of saturated fat.

Mr. Keys lived to be nearly 100 years old because he KNEW better than to take statin drugs and he KNEW better than to abstain from eating saturated fat.

To take a brief look at Mr. Keys’ fudged data, visit http://www.perfecthealthinstitute.com/aANCELKEYS.html

It is my hope that you see as clearly as Mr. Keys that your health depends upon avoiding use of statin drugs and that your health depends upon taking full advantage of the important nutrients found only in foods containing saturated fat and cholesterol.

To your health,

Gary Springer,
Author of They're Making You Fat and Sick

Founder of Perfect Health Institute

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